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Reconciliation and Development Association


The Africa NCDs Network (ANN) wishes to develop a Five (5) years Strategic Plan (SP) (2022-2027). The purpose of which is to assist in the continent’s aspiration of reducing the prevalence of NCDs and the global target of reducing by one-third premature deaths from NCDs as stipulated in Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The idea of the strategic plan is to determine and assess the strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities the ANN can take advantage of in its internal and external working environment.

The exercise will identify the ANN’s key advocacy priorities around prevention, treatment, care and support of meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs and on primary healthcare and the attainment of universal health coverage noting the enormous challenges faced on the continent. The plan should help to monitor, measure, evaluate and review progress future work and progress.

To accomplish this objective, a consultant will be contracted for 3 months to develop, analyse and produce the ANN Strategic Plan in collaboration with the Secretariat of the ANN.

Scope of Work. The consultant will lead and guide the process of developing the full five-year strategic plan and work with the ANN secretariat to ensure the process and product.

The consultant will conduct the following activities:

  • Present an inception report including a comprehensive desk review of documents relevant to an understanding and execution of the assignment;
  • Elaborate a methodology/action plan, work plan, list and contacts of key stakeholders to be engaged.
  • Undertake a review of relevant background documents that underpin work done on NCDs on the continent and elsewhere to form the context for the development of the Strategic Plan.

Specific activities could include but not limited to:

  • A one-on-one interview with key members of the ANN via virtual means/telephone
  • An online survey/consultation for ANN members to complete
  • Facilitation of a Sub-Regional Focus Group Discussion (FGD)l with support of the ANN secretariat for each of the four sub-regions; East, West, Central and Southern Africa.
    • The FGD will adopt a participatory method, including brainstorming sessions
    • The discussion will centre on key advocacy and political moments, national/global priorities the ANN will take advantage of
    • Mapping of potential national and global sponsors
    • Mapping of NCD champions and ambassadors
  • Validation meeting to finalize the document
  • Presenting of the final report to the ANN

Commitment to Quality Work
The consultant shall use an evidence-based approach and ensure the highest standards of work and timely delivery at every stage of the work. In particular, the consultant shall ensure clarity of objectives and processes during the stakeholder consultations; countercheck all facts and figures cited; ensure that the content and format of the draft strategy meets the highest standards for such documents, and ensure proper editing and clarity.

Expected Deliverables

  1. An inception report
  2. An outcome draft document from the FGDs
  3. A report on recommendations for the development of the strategic plan based on the desk review, online consultation/survey and interviews conducted.
  4. A draft 5-year strategic plan for discussion and consultation
  5. A document on the outcome of the strategic plan validation meeting
  6. A final strategic plan document electronic copy.

Duration of the task
The duration planned for the development of the strategic plan is 3 months from 1st July 2021 – 30th September 2021 including time required for the desk reviews, online consultation, interviews, facilitation of the process, drafting and validation of the plan.

Qualifications for the Consultancy:

  1. A minimum of 3 years experience and skills in strategic planning
  2. Experience in programming, online surveys (With Consultant’s own system(s), leading strategic planning processes and good group facilitation skills
  3. Qualification and experience in social science and /or public health
  4. Extensive work experience and proven record in advocacy, policy, campaign, strategic management
  5. Demonstrated experience of having undertaken similar assignments
  6. Good analytical and documentation/report writing skills
  7. Good communication and facilitation skills
  8. Excellent command of oral and written English
  9. Cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender and disability issues

Sample wok

Present/show in soft copies at least 3 recent works (5 years’ time space) on strategic plan or something similar you have led.

Application Process

Proposals should be submitted by email to:
The deadline for submission is the close of business on 30th June 2021.
Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)

Cover letter detailing how the applicant fits the profile and describing the consultant’s understanding of the task, responsibilities and detailed work plan that breaks down activities and outputs.

Note: Only short listed applications will be contacted.

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Reconciliation and Development Association
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