Who we are
We are a community of young professionals and experts who believe in the potential of everyone to add value to themselves and the communities where they live and contributing to sustainable community development.

If you need immediate assistance or prefer to report the incident via other means, please contact us directly at: Phone: +237 671527742 Email: rightsviolation@recdev.org
Some Achievements
RADA is structured into nine (9) departments, 30 programs and 23 staff/volunteers dedicated to its work. Click on each department to know more about what we do.
There is no community development without health. We focus on Non Communicable Disease, Neglected Tropical Disease and Emergency responses especially for the most at risk and vulnerable, facilitating access to life saving services and programs within our communities. The mission of the health department is therefore to support community development by building bridges to sustainable solutions in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevention and control, Neglected Tropical Diseases and emergency health responses. The health department is working on the following programs.
- Advocacy on Front of Package Warning Labels in Cameroon
- Youths and NCDs: National Youth NCD Action Network.
- Alcohol Control Program
- Breast Cancer Program
- Home-base Complementary Diabetes and Hypertension
- Healthy Ageing Advocacy
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)
- Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
- Humanitarian Relief Program (Trauma and Livelihood Support)
- Bonin Health Foundation (chronic disease protection programs)
- Biomedical Research Laboratory
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the Health department by reaching out to the following email address: health@recdev.org
Education is the sum total of how one gets themselves able to fit as a valuable member of society. Our educational programs/ institutions support the building of an informed, motivated and service oriented population, especially the young and vulnerable in our communities. The mission of our education department is to support community development by building bridges to inclusive human capital development through sustainable formal and informal educational programs. The education department is working on the following programs
- Circles Volunteer Program (CVP)
- Academic Clubs (ACUBs)
- Community Circle Program (CCP)
- Jobs Hub Program (JHP)
- Self Reliance School of Management, Accountancy and Computer Studies (SEREPSMACS).
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the education department by reaching out to the following email address: education@recdev.org
Given the health and dietary risks from food insecurity, our Agricultural department seeks to answer a key question: How might we improve access to healthier food options? Check out what we are doing in this regard including some of our innovative approaches towards food security. The mission of the Agriculture Department is to support community development by building bridges to sustainable agriculture and food security. The agriculture department is working on the following programs:
- Green ConneKt (GC): Improving access to healthy food options especially for low income communities.
- Geologic Agriculture (GeoAg): Growing Food on rocks
- Lemon grass processing and transformation
- Waste Management (Fecal and Solid Waste Management )
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the Agriculture department by reaching out to the following email address: agriculture@recdev.org
Technology now is the lens through which the whole world sees true community development. We hope to leverage the power of technology to support the inclusive community development in Cameroon. Learn how we are also using technology to facilitate our work as an organization. The mission of the Technology Department is to support community development by building bridges to innovative technologies. The technology department is working on the following programs:
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the Technology department by reaching out to the following email address: technology@recdev.org
There’s no community development without peaceful, harmonious societies. Truth and Justice make reconciliation possible; strong systems make sustainable peace t possible. RADA supports community development by building bridges that seeks to bring sustainable peace. The mission of the Peace department is to support community development by building bridges to harmonious and peaceful societies with justice for all. The peace department has the following programs:
- Peace Building and Conflict Resolution
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Youth Voices and Civic Engagement
- Protection and Access to Justice
- Gender-Based Violence Education and Mitigation
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the Peace department by reaching out to the following email address: peace@recdev.org
Upcoming and past Events
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The Reconciliation and Development Association (RADA) is conducting a study on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors around non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and nutrition in Cameroon. If your organization is interested in partnering with us in this important initiative, please submit your interest by filling out the form below.
Submit Interest
The strategic plan is a 5 years’ strategic document which seeks to achieve the seven strategic goals/ directions of the organisation which is in in line with our mission and vision. These goals and directions were defined by our areas of achievement focus and all our 30 programs are seeking to arrive at community development by either improving the quality of life, reduce mortality and morbidity, reduce inequities etc.

This document is a summary of the strategic plan and it comprises of our vision, mission, our beliefs, core values, the strategic planning process, the strategic direction and objectives, theory of change, initiatives of each department, monitoring and evaluation, partnerships and collaboration and other interesting content in this document

The 2024 Action plan is a document that comprise of annual goals set by each department in line with the strategic plan for 2023-2027. It contains the SWOT Analysis of RADA, the 30 departmental programs, objectives, activities, indicators and the timeline for each activity. This document provides a detailed insight as to how the yearly goals for each department will be achieved.
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