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Reconciliation and Development Association

Cameroon NCD Alliance Publishes 1st Annual Report:

Since its establishment in 2018, the Alliance has progressed from being led by interim leadership with the charge of establishing it, to its first Board and leadership.

In 2020, the Cameroon NCD Alliance, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, carried out activities that introduce its presence in-country. This includes notably the study on how the Cameroon COVID-19 response considered NCDs and the ACTonNCDs Campaign in September 2020 organized by the global NCD Alliance.

The Alliance was awarded the Fuel Award by the Global NCD Alliance on their activities in the ACTonNCDs Campaign. This award will assist the Alliance to strengthen her activities in 2021, including putting up a permanent website and enhancing its functionality structure.

“The Alliance is poised to map out civil society working on NCDs in 2021 to expand its membership base and prepare for progress monitoring, in 2021” – Secretary Genera, CACSNA

More information about the Alliance’s activities in 2020 can be found on the Annual Report.

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