RADA was elated that the CEO, was recently elected as Chair of the African NCDs Network. “This means that together with the 5 member team, from West, Central, Southern, East and francophone Africa, the ANN has a timeline to be established by December 2020” said Ferdinant.

He added that “It is team work. We have these regional representatives and an Interim Advisory Board all working together to establish the Network”. The Africa NCDs Network is an advancement in the effort to make NCDs are priority everywhere. The Vision of the ANN to “Make NCDs a priority in the African Continent” by advocating for NCD prevention and control in the African towards universal health access, affordability and risk factor mitigation.
Ferdinant also indicated that the African Union, African sub regional economic blocks as well as regional partners and stakeholders are the key partners to make policies that will support Africa to hold up to the global NCD burden come to realization.
It is worth noting that Ferdinant was already serving as the Central African sub regional representative to the Interim Secretariat and is currently the Secretary General of the Cameroon Civil Society NCD Alliance (CACSNA) and the President of the Reconciliation and Development Association, RADA.
NCDs currently are responsible for 41 million deaths each year; representing about 70% of annual global deaths. 85% of the premature deaths occurring in Low and middle income countries partly because of limited access to care, and increasing prevalence of the risk factors of tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, alcohol misuse and pollution. The Major categories of NCDs responsible for this catastrophe include Cardiovascular Conditions, Cancers, Diabetes, Chronic Respiratory Disease and Mental Disorders. The key risk factor driving these are largely due to increasing urbanization, globalization and demographic aging.
More about NCDs on: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/noncommunicable-diseases
Follow the ANN at: https://twitter.com/AfricanNCDsNet
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