Terms of Reference (ToR) for consultant
Focus: Scoping and Integration of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Africa Regional Development Agendas
Background: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) represent a growing health and development challenge in the African region. NCDs, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, mental disorders and chronic respiratory diseases, are responsible for a significant portion of morbidity and mortality on the continent. NCDs were responsible for 37% of deaths in 2019, rising from 24% in 2000 largely due to weaknesses in the implementation of critical control measures including prevention, diagnosis and care. NCDs prevention and control is intertwined with determinants of health out of the health domain, including in trade, agriculture, economics and finance. Hence, NCDs cannot be prevented effectively without multisectoral engagement. Addressing NCDs is essential for achieving sustainable development goals in Africa. This TOR aims to engage a consultant to conduct a comprehensive scoping exercise to understand how NCDs have been reflected in regional development agendas in Africa and to recommend strategies for their integration into these agendas in operationalization or renewal of agendas. The consultant will also identify windows of opportunities for NCD integration and establish contact with relevant stakeholders for future engagement.
Objectives: The main objectives of this consultancy are as follows:
- To analyze existing Africa regional development agendas and frameworks to identify how NCDs have been incorporated or omitted.
- To recommend strategies for integrating NCDs into these regional agendas, highlighting key priority areas.
- To identify windows of opportunities for NCD integration into ongoing and future development initiatives.
- To establish contacts and draft a plan of action for the ANN’s engagement with relevant stakeholders and regional bodies.
- Scope of Work: The consultant’s responsibilities will include:
- Identifying, prioritizing, reviewing and analyzing at last 5 major existing regional development agendas, policies, and/or frameworks relevant to health and development in Africa.
- Identifying gaps and opportunities for the inclusion of NCDs in these regional level agendas.
- Recommending specific strategies, actions, and priority areas for integrating NCDs into these regional development agendas.
- Identifying key contact persons within regional bodies, countries, NGOs, and other stakeholders relevant to integration of NCDs prevention and control and regional development.
- Drafting a comprehensive plan of action for engagement with these stakeholders, including proposed timelines and strategies for sustainable collaboration.
- Deliverables: The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:
- Inception Report: A report outlining the consultant’s understanding of the project, work plan, and methodologies within one weeks of project commencement.
- Scoping Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the scoping exercise, including gaps and opportunities for NCDs, within 3 weeks of project commencement.
- Recommendations: Final Report providing clear recommendations for integrating NCDs into regional development agendas, including priority areas and strategies, within 1 more week of the project implementation
- Contact List and Engagement Plan: A list of key contacts within relevant stakeholders and a detailed plan of action for engagement within the last week of the project.
- Timeline: The consultancy is expected to be completed within a period of 6 weeks from the contract signing date.
- Qualifications: The consultant should have the following qualifications:
- A background in public health, health policy, or a related field.
- Demonstrated experience in conducting policy analysis and scoping exercises in the African context.
- Familiarity with regional development agendas, health systems, and NCD-related issues in Africa.
- Strong communication and networking skills.
- Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
- Be a member of the Africa NCDs Network
- Budget: A budget for this consultancy is set at 3000 USD.
- Reporting: The consultant will report to the Chair of the ANN Secretariat, Mr. Ferdinant M. Sonyuy throughout the duration of the project.
- Submission of Proposals: Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals, including a detailed CV and a cover letter outlining their relevant experience and approach to the project, to ncdsafica@gmail.com by October 1, 2023 12:00 noon GMT+1.
- Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Qualifications and experience of the consultant.
- Proposed methodology and approach.
- Understanding of the project’s objectives.
- Clarity and feasibility of the work plan.
- Contact Information: For inquiries or further information, please contact the ANN secretariat by sending an email to ncdsafrica@gmail.com
Call for Applications:
Consultant for Scoping and Integration of NCDs in Africa Regional Development Agendas
Background: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) represent a growing health and development challenge in the African region. NCDs, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, mental disorders and chronic respiratory diseases, are responsible for a significant portion of morbidity and mortality on the continent, xxx% of annual deaths. NCDs prevention and control is intertwined with determinants of health out of the health domain, including in trade, agriculture, economics and finance. Hence, NCDs cannot be prevented effectively without multisectoral engagement. Addressing NCDs is essential for achieving sustainable development goals in Africa. This TOR aims to engage a consultant to conduct a comprehensive scoping exercise to understand how NCDs have been reflected in regional development agendas in Africa and to recommend strategies for their integration into these agendas in operationalization or renewal of agendas. The consultant will also identify windows of opportunities for NCD integration and establish contact with relevant stakeholders for future engagement.
General Objective: The main objective of this consultancy is to analyze existing regional development agendas, identify opportunities for integrating NCDs, and recommend strategies for collaboration and engagement with relevant stakeholders.
Scope of Work: The selected consultant will be responsible for:
- Identifying, prioritizing, reviewing and analyzing at last 5 major existing regional development agendas, policies, and/or frameworks relevant to health and development in Africa.
- Identifying gaps and opportunities for the inclusion of NCDs in these regional level agendas.
- Recommending specific strategies, actions, and priority areas for integrating NCDs into these regional development agendas.
- Identifying key contact persons within regional bodies, countries, NGOs, and other stakeholders relevant to integration of NCDs prevention and control and regional development.
- Drafting a comprehensive plan of action for engagement with these stakeholders, including proposed timelines and strategies for sustainable collaboration.
Eligibility: This call for applications is open exclusively to competent individuals who are current members of the Africa Non-Communicable Diseases Network (ANN). We encourage ANN members to seek potential persons who can conduct this assessment from within their membership with:
- A background in public health, health policy, or a related field.
- Demonstrated experience in conducting policy analysis and scoping exercises in the African context.
- Familiarity with regional development agendas, health systems, and NCD-related issues in Africa.
- Strong communication and networking skills.
- Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
Application Requirements: Interested ANN members are requested to submit the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting relevant qualifications and experience.
- A cover letter detailing your approach to the project and your understanding of its objectives.
- A statement confirming your current membership in ANN.
- Deadline for Applications: October 1, 2023; 12:00noon GMT+1.
- Expected Contract Start Date: October 6, 2023
Submission: Please submit your application documents ncdsafica@gmail.com no later than the specified application deadline
Evaluation: Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Qualifications and experience of the consultant: Relevance
- Proposed methodology and approach
- Clarity and feasibility of the work plan.
- Understanding of the project’s objectives.
- Current membership in ANN.
Note: The selected consultant will work closely with ANN’s project team to refine the scope of work and deliverables as needed. This consultancy is expected to be completed within 6 weeks from the contract start date.
For inquiries or additional information, please contact ncdsafica@gmail.com
We look forward to receiving applications from our esteemed ANN members and collaborating to address the critical issue of NCD integration in Africa’s regional development agendas.
Thank you.
Chair, Secretariat