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Reconciliation and Development Association

Times like these are those in which even leaders who are looked upon to care for others and give direction tend to need care. It was in this spirit that I manned up to benefit from the Self Care Workshop organized by RADA which focused on the 6 dimensions of resilience. I am glad to share these touching points I received:

The Body
Take time and appreciate your body because there is a spirit that lives in it. Take care of your body. One explanation for death is that we die when the body cannot sustain the spirit inside because it is too ‘butchered’ so to say. We can cause our body to be resilient by eating healthy diets, involving in physical exercises, and sleeping/resting for 6-8 hours a day to function properly. “If you don’t eat food as your drugs, you will eat drugs as your food”.

The Emotions
Emotions are the feelings we feel. If you don’t feel, then probably you are not human. But through circumstances, feelings without control can wreak havoc into our bodies and minds. Asking yourself how you fee is helpful, accepting our emotion especially negative ones and then managing them through self-talk or self-control. A little smile and humor sparks the right mindset toward great comedy of crisis around us.

The Mind:
It is the engine. An even better description is that it is the steering of all directions we drive to. Our minds harbor our thinking. Which is informed by our beliefs. Our beliefs inform us and motivate our actions. That is why as a man thinks, so he is. The key to a resilient Mind is to Re-set your mind. For instance, to depart from negative to positive thoughts.

We all do need security no matter where we find ourselves but it is highly needed by those in high crime wave areas and conflict embedded environments. When you are faced with fears, you can research about the issues and make an informed decisions such as changing your environment, fortifying your compound with a fence etc.  When you are secure, you feel calm, jubilant, hopeful, happy energetic etc but when insecurity comes in, you feel lonely, sad, fearful, frighten, etc. These are emotions provoked by how secured you feel during a time of crisis and you can managed by your action.

Life is all about networks. Relations are really important for self care resilience. Family, friends, loved ones, mentors colleagues, etc. are gold!  Having them bring more light to your life and the fear of losing them can demoralize you. So enjoy them now because you know they are vital part of your life. Relationships can meet your needs and give you hope to continue moving on like you never imagined. It might even happen in ways you have no idea about. No man can survive as an island. Use whatever unhealthy relationship comes to you as one more stone to build a house that stands firmer. When you feel lonely, you can contact someone in the community of your relationships and receive the support that only fellow loving human can provide. This includes communication, video talks, games, and fellowship with husband/wife, father or mother, brother or sister, friend, colleague, church members, etc. this is the beauty of relationships. Fellowship in online groups that work for you. Enjoy the goodness of friendship.

Purpose and meaning:

You cannot strive to be resilient when you have no purpose for which you want to win.  Your purpose is what drives you and gives you direction for ways out when obstacles mount on you. Be ready and not be found without a life of meaning or purpose each morning you wake up.

The session ended with general summarized and itemized tips on how to take care of oneself. These included Physical Exercise, Socialization (get in contact with friends, families, CEOs, mentors, counselors etc), and Relaxation (meditate, entertain yourself and don’t be a workaholic, take break from COVID-19 news etc).

The Following resources were provided for those who could check them out:


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