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Reconciliation and Development Association

Non- Communicable Diseases. The Silent Pandemic

Non-communicable diseases(NCDs) notably heart diseases, chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, diabetes and most cancers are not infectious and non – transmissible among people. A number of factors account for the prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases such as genetics, physiological, environmental and behavioral factors.

High mortality rate and disability are some of the negative effects of non Communicable Diseases. It is estimated that NCDs account for 41 million deaths equivalent to 71% globally. In Cameroon it accounts for 30% of total deaths annually therefore it is a public health concern that needs to be addressed with immediate action.

In order to mitigate the effect of NCDS we urge you to eat healthily, do physical exercises frequently, limit Alcohol consumption and smoking and join the global week for action on NCDs from 6th to the 12th of September 2021 for your voices to be heard.

Remember, health is wealth and together as a community we can fight against non-Communicable Diseases

By communications students on internship

-Mbeng-Ngong Blandine

-Doh Grace. 

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