Welcome to RADA's Health Department: -The Center of our Vision for Better Health for All
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Cameroon’s health care system is one of the most developed domains of the community life, thanks to faith-based health care organizations on which foundation services have expanded to serve a significant amount of the population, and the national health system structure which is set on a strong policy foundation and open for necessary evolution.
In addition to government health facilities and projects, the health system continuous to struggle especially with the double burden of infectious and chronic conditions. HIV, Malaria, Diarrhea and, most recently, COVID-19 infectious diseases menace the system. But, increasing overweight in children, and adults and the risk factors for non-communicable disease are the community component that explains the risen threat of chronic non communicable diseases that seek to overwhelm the system.

RADA's Health Initiatives /Programs
Our Health Programs
There is no community development without health. We focus on Non Communicable Disease, Neglected Tropical Disease and Emergency responses especially for the most at risk and vulnerable, facilitating access to life saving services and programs within our communities. The mission of the health department is therefore to support community development by building bridges to sustainable solutions in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevention and control, Neglected Tropical Diseases and emergency health responses. The health department is working on the following programs.
- Advocacy on Front of Package Warning Labels in Cameroon
- Youths and NCDs: National Youth NCD Action Network.
- Alcohol Control Program
- Breast Cancer Program
- Home-base Complementary Diabetes and Hypertension
- Healthy Ageing Advocacy
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)
- Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
- Humanitarian Relief Program (Trauma and Livelihood Support)
- Bonin Health Foundation (chronic disease protection programs)
- Biomedical Research Laboratory
Click on each program to know more.
Contact the Health department by reaching out to the following email address: health@recdev.org