Green ConneKt
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About the Program
Green connekt is a project conceived by RADA which will consider the needs, challenges and priorities alongside those of the supply chain in improving access to healthier food options in the Bamenda City. In 2016, the lancet reported that unhealthy diets were the highest risk factor for NCDs. About 70% of annual global deaths are due to Non-Communicable Diseases such as cardiovascular diseases like stroke and hypertension, diabetes, gastro-intestinal disorders, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases. One third of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries, Cameroon inclusive, with 35% of annual deaths due to NCDs. 11,300 deaths in Cameroon are directly due to dietary risk factors. This program will address this problem by providing healthier food options to the community.

Program's Goal
The Green ConneKt system is designed to support small holder farmers produce, a distribution system within the city that is enhanced by technology, and an education component for health which also serves as our marketing strategy for the healthy greens and veggies produced by our network of farmers.
Program's Objectives
- To pilot increased access to healthier food choices to the population of Bamenda City.
- To create a market for the for the consumers of organic products and for small holder farmers in the Bamenda City.
- To develop the GC App (Green Connekt App), that will allow the project to interact with its customers