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Reconciliation and Development Association

Testimony from RADA CEO:

When I was 9, I wondered what I would be in future. At 13, I had to make a choice to go to the sciences or the arts. I could not do both by the nature of our school system. My aunt was a banker and I thought she was rich. My Uncle a Custom Officer and I thought he was richer. But Isaac Newton and Einstein were geniuses and their names were on text books. The former two were in “arts” careers and the latter two were scientists. Then I discovered that my Uncle id sciences. I concluded that doing the sciences put me in a better position to do other things in future. But then I wanted to be a doctor because I loved the white overall, eye glasses, the caring and “clean” hands of the doctors that consulted me when I was sick. This confusion was at its peak in high school just before engineering university. But then a Career Orientation workshop was organized in our school. This is where a major break through came for me. Through the session, I left with one thing. That I should do what I love. But then, there was a bigger problem. I loved everything. I was confused between doing what I love and loving what I do, because my science background afforded me the capacity to also be a pilot, whom I loved, or an Engineer, which I loved. but I could not do all.

Finally, in the university, the puzzle started coming together when I failed to enter medical school. I thought I’ll put an end to all this confusion of career once I pass the medical school. That’s why It felt like the work was coming to an end when I failed the entrance, but in reality, it was just starting for me. I landed in Biochemistry and through this time, I had several experiences including one which connected perfectly to my past, and would later form the basis of a strong intrinsic motivation to the stepping stone to my true and exemplary career path and high impact at the age of 29. At the age of 30, I realized why i loved everything, because I was not meant to be everything, but to support the world to be all that it should be to make it better, using great principles of life and how to create impact in any field of work. This is why RADA was created. You can read more about my successes in my NCD Career HERE:

Today, I seek to use my success and impact in NCD prevention and control to inspire hope, vision and action by young people everywhere. Career Orientation is one of the most precious gifts you can give a child in Secondary, High School or University. Even people out of these levels of education who have never be oriented need a session. Everyone need a reflection session to look at where they are: Where they came from and where they are going to and be provided the tools, motivation and support everyone needs to grow and be the change we want to see.

It is sad that sometimes, even university students do not know how to write their CV or to focus on the reason why they are at school and perform better academically so as to impact their society. Our Sessions encompass study skills as well as preparing a CV and other Job market tips. All attendees continue to receive different areas of support from RADA through out programs they might be interested in.

In RADA our team provides Career Orientation workshops in secondary schools, High Schools, Universities and to the general public. This can be through invitation to the school or during one of our regular workshops organized at least three times a year.

Click here or the button below, to request information about the next session in your town, school or community or book a session with your school, or community.

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