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Reconciliation and Development Association


Home > Bonin Health

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Bonin Health Foundation (chronic disease protection program, hospitals): Establishing a specialist hospital or clinic for specific chronic diseases with the best of services. This is in progress.

Comunity Center

-Identify through research which chronic diseases needs urgent attention in terms of specialized care

Data Driven

-Establish which services are the best for handling the particular chronic diseases and develop them.

Focus Support

-Establish which services are the best for handling the particular chronic diseases and develop them.

Why we do this.

There is very limited expertise, equipment and specialized care in the domain of chronic diseases treatment. Patients have to travel very far to the lone best facility or sometimes just better facility to get treated. Most die even with not so late diagnosis, for example, of cancer.  This has been the one of the reasons why there is high morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases in Cameroon.

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