Awareness creation on non communicable diseases
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Non Communicable diseases were known as diseases of the rich. Now, they are no longer because two -thirds of global annual deaths are from low and middle income countries.
In 2017, more than 70% of global deaths were due to non communicable diseases namely cardiovascular diseases, (such as hypertension, heart disease and stroke), diabetes (Type 1, Type 2), Cancers (All Cancers) Chronic Respiratory Diseases and other NCDs that are not part of these four major categories.
The four major categories are caused by their risk factors namely physical inactivity, tobacco use, unhealthy diets, and alcohol misuse. The causes of these causes include the great forces of demographic aging, globalization and urbanization. Stress has also been implicated in the rising trends and Mental Health Disorders and Pollution have been included into the major NCDs and risk factors respectively.
NCDs are defined as diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another, unlike COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. They are auto developed. Self developed. They are usually of long duration and slow progression. They constitute a major source of pain to individuals, families and economies.
The key question is not about knowing these facts- but that literacy should be backed by action to reduce the burden caused by NCDs to the society.

What is RADA doing on NCDs?
Currently, RADA is championing NCD Awareness creation. This is being done through our National Youth NCD Action Network.
Secondly, RADA is currently hosting the Secretariat of the Cameroon Civil Society NCD Alliance since February 2020, after the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services hosted it. The CEO/President of RADA, being the acting Secretary General of the Cameron CS NCD Alliance.
Our Green Connekt is an initiative that seeks to raise awareness on the negative impact of unhealthy diets and practically mitigate unhealthy diets through awareness creation, access to fruits and vegetables to the community. This initiative was started in 2020 as a Community Action Project (CAP) from the Community Solutions Program of the US Department of State. This project has been designed with the technical support of Plant It Forward Farms, Houston Texas and IREX.
In partnership with Stowelink, RADA is participating in the NCDs360 Project, a project to produce an disseminate NCD awareness messages using social media daily.
RADA is currently, working on partnerships that will support a needed resilient health care system in Cameroon to combat NCDs through awareness creation (NCD Literacy), access to care, advocacy and united action for NCDs in Cameroon.