Green Connekt is a social education, innovation and entrepreneurial project to improve awareness, availability, and access to healthy food options to the population of the City of Bamenda in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. It is a project that has been developed in three phases. This project falls in line with out health promotion, NCD Prevention and promotion of healthy foods under the agriculture impact domain.
Phase one is the situational analysis, awareness creation, and community mobilization phase. The situation analysis will help us to refine and target the education on the negative impact of unhealthy diets, healthy dietary practices and generate demand for healthy organic chemically free fresh produce.
Phase two includes the establishment of an organic small holder farmer network and a city wide delivery system powered by technology (the Green Connekt Application). The App will be developed in partnership with Avantfort, to facilitate education, subscriptions, and product delivery.
Phase three: The last phase will be the evaluation and scale-up phase which will be about getting the model to other cities or districts and reproducing and expanding the model to reach more families with healthy produce. The immediate target population for this project is the Bamenda Health District with a population of over 350.000 people and a potential reach in the city of more than 2 million people. Phase 1, Analysis will constitute my CSP Community Action Project. This project is being worked with the Technical support of Plant IT Forward Farms, Houston’s largest network of urban farmers.
This project is open for support and has not yet received funding. It is being carried out by the Agriculture Circle?:
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