Call for a consultant to Conduct a mapping exercise to understand the needs and challenges of people living with NCDs to amplify their voices in advocacy and communications regarding NCD Prevention and Control during and post COVID-19.

“Ensuring a Collective Voice for NCD Prevention and Control in Cameroon”

Call for a consultant to Conduct a mapping exercise to understand the needs and challenges of people living with NCDs to amplify their voices in advocacy and communications regarding NCD Prevention and Control during and post COVID-19.

Date: August 19, 2021


The Cameroon NCDs Network (CACSNA) wishes to conduct a study that will support it to ensure meaningful engagement and involvement of People Living with NCDs in Cameroon response during and Post COVID-19 in five regions (North West, West, Center, Littoral and South West Regions) to draw lessons and seek ways effectively amplify their voices through communication and advocacy for the prioritization and action on NCD during and Post COVID-19.

To accomplish the above, a consultant will be contracted for 2 months to conduct this study and produce a report with the support of the Secretariat of the CACSNA hosted at the Reconciliation and Development Association, RADA.

The consultant will lead and guide the process of this rapid study and Increase engagement with MoH and other stakeholders working on NCDs in Cameroon for this same purpose to ensure strong advocacy outcomes.

The study will focus on what is already happening and what can be improved in terms of voices of people living with NCDs and this communities’ participation in decision-making processes, programme implementation and monitoring, ensuring that their needs, challenges and priorities are put right, front, center as a key population most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The consultant will conduct the following activities:

  1. Elaborate a methodology that is clear and involves broader links to the current global Our Views Our Voices initiative and the four pillars of the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs, which could be used as the main themes of relevant consultations while ensuring framing around the COVID pandemic (during & post) and on topics on building back better/fairer, resilience and recovery from the pandemic by People living with NCDs and the broader UHC context

  2. Conduct a Literature review on needs and meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in the COVID-19 response, including contextualizing materials with information from global and Africa context to the Cameroon context for applicability in advocacy

  3. Develop and approve guides and tools for focus group discussions (FGDs)- with input from the Global NCD Alliance

  4. Hold at least 10 Focus group discussions of maximum 12 people living with NCDs per focus group in 5 regions, to hold consultations on needs, challenges and priorities as well as meaningful involvement in advocacy and engagement beyond COVID-19

  5. Work with Alliance members to Invite People living with NCDs, Caregivers, CSOs reps and relevant private sector reps for this exercise according to the approved methodology

  6. Compile report and present to the Alliance in English and in French.

  7. Assist in preparation and holding of a workshop with Alliance Members on the report, with aim to ensure meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs during and post COVID-19 and for the promotion and implementation of the NCDA’s global charter

  8. Develop a policy brief of NCDs and COVID-19, within the broader context of UHC, for the Ministry of Public Health’s decision making on specific Alliance and stakeholder asks in relation to the priorities, needs and challenges of people living with NCDs as found out in the report

Commitment to Quality Work

The consultant shall use an evidence-based approach and ensure the highest standards of work and timely delivery at every stage of the work. In particular, the consultant shall ensure clarity of objectives and processes during the desk review; countercheck all facts and figures cited; ensure that the content and format of the draft strategy meets the highest standards for such documents, and ensure proper editing and clarity.

Expected Deliverables

  1. A clear study protocols

  2. A report of the desk review, online consultation/survey and FGDs.

  3. Tools for the conduction of the relevant Focus Grout Discussions

  4. A final study report document in electronic copy in English and French

  1. A Power point presentation of the study report with its clear recommendations

  1. A Policy brief on NCDs, COVID-19 within UHC and the needs of PLWNCDs in Cameroon

Duration of the task

The duration planned for the desk review of the study is 2weeks from 28th August 2021 – 10th September 2021 and 30th September 2021 for the Policy brief. Qualifications for the


  1. A minimum of 3 years’ experience and skills in desk research particularly in qualitative/observational studies

  2. Qualification and experience in social science and /or public health

  3. Extensive work experience and proven record in advocacy, policy, campaign, strategic management

  4. Own Facilitative equipment relevant to own work

  5. Good analytical and documentation/report writing skills

  6. Good communication and facilitation skills

  7. Excellent command of oral and written English

  8. Cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender and disability issues

Sample wok

Present/show in soft copies at least 3 recent works (5 years’ time space) on case study or something similar you have led.

Application Process
Proposals should be submitted by email to: with in copy

The deadline for submission is the close of business day on 26th August 2021.

Please submit:

  1. An Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)

  2. Cover letter detailing how the applicant fits the profile and describing the consultant’s understanding of the task, responsibilities and detailed work plan that breaks down activities and outputs.

  3. Sample Works

NOTE: Only short-listed applications will be contacted.

For any inquiries, please contact the Secretariat by reaching out to:

Ferdinant M. Sonyuy


Tel: +237 674733730


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