Theme-2020: Accountability

What is the Global Week of Action for NCDs?

NCDs are currently the #1 cause of death and disability in the world, and the burden is disproportionately severe in low- and middle-income countries, where four out of five people with an NCD live. The Global Week for Action on NCDs is organized by the NCD Alliance global and aims to unite the NCD movement each year under a specific theme, concentrating our combined efforts with the aim of reducing the NCD burden globally and increasing health and equality. Join the movement!

Under the banner of “Raising Attention, Promoting Accountability on NCDs at Local and National levels in Cameroon” The Cameroon CS NCD Alliance will be mounting the national stage with activities to raise awareness on NCDs and the need for accountability regarding desired prevention and control SDG targets. The theme for this year’s Week of Action on NCDs is “Accountability”. Activities will put persons living with NCDs at the center of essence for the Week’s action.  

  1. Social Media Activities by all members
  2. Inclusive games at the Baptist Center by CBCHS
  3. Advocacy visits to Mayor, and MoH by CBCHS
  4. Radio Talk shows by CBCHS, RADA, and C3T
  5. Panel Discussion by RADA
  6. Tweet Chats  by RADA
  7. Interactive online Q&A on NCDs by RADA
  8. Zoom Conference – in Collaboration with CORE Group by RADA
  9. Patient meeting – by CBCHS
  10. Press briefing /Conference  by RADA and C3t
  11. Health Talks in Churches  by CBCHS
  12. Publication of statements by all members
  13. NCD Tracts sharing at a Major market by C3t
  14. Zoom Webinar by Rural Doctors

                          See the full time table of Activities below and dates to participate.

SN Activity Dates Organization(s) i/c
1 Disseminate messages on social media
(Contribute to ‘Voices of Change’; Share ‘Voices of Change’ quotes,
champion quote cards, info graphics, video messages or key messages through
social media using the harsh tag, #ActOnNCDs.)
September 7-13). All Member
2 Organise inclusive fun games at the Baptist Centre in Bamenda Saturday, September 12  CBCHS
3 Local Council Advocacy visit September
4 Visit to the radio for a Radio program (Radio Talk with Young NCD Advocates) September 8/September CBCHS/RADA
5 Organise
a meeting with Cancer Survivors in view of charting a path for the creation
of Patient Advocacy Group for Persons living with cancer and Survivors of
6 Publish campaign activities on member
newsletters including the “NCD Voice Newsletter” and “Radates” are in view. 
September 13- 14th CBCHS/RADA
7 Health Talks in
September 13 CBCHS
8 Statements from member organizations
will be issued on media  (All
Full Week All Members
9 The
Alliance will also issue a Statement on media  on the global Campaign
9th – 13th
10 Sensitization
campaign through traditional media including Magic FM, Radio Tiemeni
Siantou(RTS), The Post and Le Messager 
September 7-13th C3T,
11 Field visit with
Media, CACSNA Team members in Yde, PLWNCD to sensitize population on the
various NCDs followed by the distribution of hydro-alcoholic gels and Flyers
on NCDs at Mvan neighbourhood at the level of travel agencies.
 September 8th 2020 at 14 Pm C3t

Two 2- Advocacy visit
to the authorities:
Le Sous
Directeur de la lutte contre les MNTsLe
Directeur de la Promotion de la Santé ou Sous Directeur de la Santé MentaleDélégué
régional de la Santé Publique pour le Centre

(We encourage members in Yde to partake
N.B use your masks along).

September 10-11, 2020 C3t
13 Panel
discussion/ Press Conference, to discuss the problem of NCDs, the Alliance’s
work on NCDs in collaboration with other partners that will be present in Bamenda
and possibly, Yaoundé. (RADA,).
“Accountability on NCDs”
Friday 11th RADA
14 Zoom
Webinar with CORE Group partners: “Youth Leaders Taking Action:
Developing an NCDs-Focused Accountability Framework.”
Sept. 9,
15 Tweet
Chart with Nigerian Partners
7, 2020
16 Online
Interactive Session on “Accountability on NCDs” with RADA CEO.
Sept. 13,
17 Zoom conference for health care
providers in rural areas to discuss their experiences and current actions
taken by stakeholders in supporting persons living with NCDs in the context
of COVID-19
TBD Rural

About the Theme of 2020

Governments have committed to many NCD targets through the United Nations (UN), such as World Health Organization (WHO) NCD targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accountability mechanisms for NCDs that are currenetly in place can be strengthened by independent civil society-led action, especially at the local and national level. We can all help ensure that commitments made translate into targets met, to turn back the tide on the current NCD epidemic. We’ve seen through COVID-19 the devastating effects of neglect – it’s time to stop making the same mistake with NCDs!- from trade to livelihoods and ultimately, development.
(Adapted from NCDA website).

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